That's my dad. He was a male model and a magician for many years. One day he gave Steve Martin his old "Arrow Through The Head" trick. Steve fell down laughing. The next thing you know, Steve is on Saturday Night Live! Dad always got a big kick out of that, but he got a bigger kick out of wearing his crocheted Tweed Jacket!
SIZES: Directions for medium size (38-40). Changes for large size (42-44) are in parentheses.
Body Chest Size: 38"-40" (42"-44").
Blocked Chest Size (closed): 43" (48").
MATERIALS: Knitting worsted in tweed combination or color of choice,
40 oz. main color (MC); 7 oz. contrasting color (CC).
Crochet hook size G/4.25.
Six large and six small buttons.
GAUGE: 5 pats or joint sc = 2". 4 rows= 1".
PATTERN: Row 1 (wrong side): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Ch 2, turn.
To Bind Off: At beg of row, sl st loosely across specified number of pats, ch 2; at end of row, leave specified number of pats unworked.
To Dec 1 Pat: At beg of row, sl st loosely across one pat; at end of row, leave one pat unworked.
To Inc 1 Pat: At beg of row, ch 3, yo hook, draw up a Loop in 3rd ch from hook, yo and through 3 Loops, ch 1, draw up a Loop in last ch worked in,
draw up a Loop under ch 1 between first and 2nd joint sc, yo hook and through 3 Loops, ch 1; at end of row, yo hook, draw up a
JACKET: BACK: Beg at lower edge, with MC, ch 121 (133) to measure 25" (27"). Work in pat on 60 (66) joint sc for 6", end wrong side. Check gauge; piece should measure 24" (26") wide.
Shape Slits: Bind off (see To Bind Off) 3 pats each side of next row — 54 (60) pats. Work even until piece measures 19" from start or desired length to underarm, end wrong side.
Shape Armholes: Bind off 2 (3) pats each side of next row. Dec 1 pat (see To Dec 1 Pat) each side every other row 4 (5) times — 42 (44) pats. Work even until armholes measure 9 1/2" (10 ") above first row of armhole shaping. Ch 1, turn.
Shape Shoulders: Bind off 7 pats each side of next 2 rows—14 (16) pats. End off.
RIGHT FRONT: Beg at lower edge, with MC, ch 81 (91) to measure 16" (18"). Work in pat on 40 (45) joint sc until piece measures 17" from start, end wrong side.
Shape Neck and Armhole: Dec 1 pat at beg of next row (center edge), then every other row 17 (20) times more; at the same time, when piece measures 19" from start, bind off 3 (4) pats at arm side once, then dec 1 pat at arm side every other row 5 (6) times— 14 pats. Work even until armhole measures 91/i" (10") above first row of armhole shaping.
Shape Shoulder: Bind off 7 pats at arm side of next row — 7 pats remain. End off.
DOUBLE BUTTONHOLES: Beg at center edge, work 2 pats, ch 2 (in addition to ch 1 of pat), sk next joint sc, work 15 joint sc, make another
buttonhole as before, work in pat across.
Next Row: Work in pat across, making joint sc over buttonhole ch.
LEFT FRONT: Work as for right front, forming double buttonholes (see Double Buttonholes) when piece measures 6" from start, then every 5" twice (3 sets of double buttonholes). Continue to work to correspond with right front, beg front decs on same edge as first buttonhole, reversing shapings (arm side is at beg, center edge is at end of right side rows).
LEFT SLEEVE: Outer Sleeve: Beg at lower edge, with MC, ch 37. Work in pat on 18 pats, inc 1 pat (see To Inc 1 Pat) at inner edge (beg of right side rows) every 2" twice — 20 pats. Work even until piece measures 5" from start, end right side. End off.
Inner Sleeve: Work same as for outer sleeve, reversing shaping (inner edge is at end of right side rows), end right side. Ch 2, turn.
Joining Row: Work in pat across 17 pats on inner sleeve, draw up a Loop in sp just worked in; from wrong side, draw up a Loop in sp between 3rd and 4th pats on outer sleeve, yo and through 3 Loops on hook, ch 1, finish row—35 pats. Work even until piece measures 6" from start. Check gauge; piece should measure 14" wide. Inc 1 pat each side of next row, then every 2" 5 (6) times more — 47 (49) pats. Work even until piece measures
18 1/2" (19 1/2") from start or desired length to underarm, end wrong side.
Shape Cap: Bind off 2 (3) pats each side of next row. Dec 1 pat each side every other row 9 (10) times - 25 (23) pats. End off.
RIGHT SLEEVE: Inner Sleeve: Work same as for left outer sleeve. End off. .
Outer Sleeve: Work same as for left inner sleeve; do not end off. Ch l.turn.
Joining Row: Work same as for left sleeve. Complete same as for left sleeve.
FINISHING: Block pieces. With backstitch, sew shoulder seams; sew in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams, leaving side slits open.
Edging: From right side, with MC, work 1 row sc on each side of sleeve opening. From right side, with CC, work pat row 2 around entire sleeve edge, working 2 pats in each corner. Lap inner sleeve over outer sleeve; sew top of overlap with invisible sts. Sew three small buttons to each sleeve, sewing through inner and outer sleeve.
Join MC at right lower front edge. Work 1 row sc up right front edge, across neck edge, and down left front edge, being careful to keep work flat. From right side, work 1 row sc on each side of each side slit. Join CC at upper edge of back left side slit. From right side, work pat row 2 across left slit, back, right slit. End off. Join CC at upper edge of front right side slit. From right side, work pat row 2 around entire front edge, working 2 pats in each corner, end upper edge of front left side slit. End off. Sew top of back slit over front with invisible sts. Work buttonhole st around each buttonhole. Sew buttons on right front under buttonholes. Steam-press seams and edges.
Not affiliated with Coats and Clark.
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