Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pineapple Peacock Placemat!

You'll be as proud as this this peacock when your guests OOH and AHH at the beauty and majesty of this fine feathered friend. This vintage pattern calls for a #30 thread and a # 10 hook, but feel free to use what ever thread you feel the best using. For a nice size piece, or if
you are afraid of thin thread, double your thread and use a larger hook.
Like Peacocks? Here are more!!!


Materials: 300 yards of #30 thread and a # 10 steel hook

Size: 12"x17"


1ST ROUND: Ch 4, join with sl st into a ring, ch 3,11 dc into ring, sl st in top st of ch 3 at beg of round (this forms the eye.)

2ND ROUND: Ch 1, 1 sc in each of next 3 dc, ch 11, skip next 3 dc, 1 sc in each of next 3 dc, ch 6, skip rem dc, 1 sc in first sc at beg of round.

3RD ROUND: Ch 2, skip next sc, thread over hook, draw up a loop in next sc, thread over and through all 3 loops on hook (this forms 1 half dc), ch 2, skip next ch st, 1 dc in next st, ch 2, skip 1 st, 1 dc in next st, ch 2, skip st, work (1 dc, ch 5 and 1 dc) all in next st, work (ch 2, skip 1 st, 1 dc in next st) 3 times, ch 2, skip next sc, 1 sc in next sc, sl st in next ch 6 loop, ch 3, 5 dc in same ch 6 loop as last sl st, ch 2, turn, skip first dec dc (just made), 1 dc in each of next 4 dc, ch 2, turn, skip first dc, work 3 dc dec over next 3 dc as follows: work (thread over hook, draw up a loop in next dc, thread over and through 2 loops) 3 times, thread over and through all 4 loops on hook, ch 1; cut thread, (this forms beak).

1ST ROW: Join thread with 1 sc in end sc of 2nd round, ch 2, 2 dc in next ch 2 space, 2 tr {thread twice around hook for trj in same space as last dc, work (1 tr in next st, 3 tr in the next space) 4 times, 5 tr in center st of same space as last tr, 3 more tr over rem sts of same space, (1 tr in next st, 3 tr in next space) 3 times,1 tr in next st, (1 dc, 1 hdc and 1 sc) all in the next space.

2ND ROW: - (this starts neck) : CH 1, turn, sl st in each of first 3 sts, 1 sc in each of next 2 sts, 1 hdc in each of next 2 sts, 1 dc in each of 3 sts, 1 tr in each of next 3 sts, 1 dtr (thread 3 times around hook for dtr) in each of next 6 sts, (do not work over rem sts. )

3RD ROW: Ch 5, turn, skip first st on last row, 1 dtr in each of next 5 sts, 1 tr in each of 3 sts, 1 dc in each of 3 sts, 1 hdc in each of 2 sts, 1 sc in each of next 2 sts.

4TH ROW: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in each of first 2 sts, 1 hdc in each of next 2 sts, 1 dc in each of 3 sts, 1 tr in each of 3 sts, 1 dtr in each of rem .sts, 1 dtr in top st of turning ch.

5TH ROW: CH 4, turn, skip first st, 1 tr in each of rem 15 sts.

6TH ROW: Ch 4, turn, 2 tr in first st, 1 tr in each of next 11 sts, work dc dec over next 3 sts as follows: work {thread twice around hook, draw up a loop in next st, thread over and through 2 loops, over and through 2 loops) 3 times, thread over and through all 4 loops on hook. 7TH ROW: CH 4, turn, skip first st, 1 tr in each of next 13 tr, 2 tr in top st of turning ch.

8TH ROW: Same as 6th row.


9TH ROW: - Same as 4th row but end with 4 dtr in top st of turning ch.

10TH ROW: Same as 3rd row but having 1 tr in each of 5 sts (instead of 3 sts).

11TH ROW: Same as 4th row but having 1 tr in each of 5 sts.

Rep last 2 rows 5 more times; rep 10th row once more; skip last 13 rows made; join with sl st to end st on next row; fasten off.


1ST ROW: Working along end of rows, skip first 7 rows, join thread with

sl st in top st of turning ch on 8th row (this is last row of neck); *placing sts over either top of end dtr or top st of turning ch of rows along body(work {ch 5 and 1 sc) over each of next 5 rows; do not work over rem rows.

2ND ROW: Ch 4, turn, 4 tr in first ch 5 loop, *ch 1, 5 tr in next ch loop; rep from *across last row. 3RD ROW: Ch 4, turn, skip first tr, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, *ch 1, 1 tr in each of next 5 tr; rep from * across ending with ch 1, 1 tr in each of 4 tr, 1 tr in top st of ch.

4TH ROW: Ch 4, turn, skip first tr, 1 tr in next tr, *2 tr in next tr, 1 tr in each of 2 tr, ch 2, 1 tr in each of 2 tr; rep from * across, end with 1 tr in each of end 2 sts.

5TH ROW: Ch 4, turn, skip first tr, 1 tr in each of next 5 tr, ch 2, 1 tr in each of next 3 tr, 1 dc in next st, 1 hdc in next st, 1 st in next st, (do not work over rem sts), cut thread.

6TH ROW: Turn, join thread with sl st in top st of turning ch on 4th row of wing, *skip next st, work 6 tr between next 2 sts, skip 2 sts, 1 sc in next st on same group, ch 4, 1 sc in 4th st from hook (this forms picot), 1 sc in first st on next group; rep from * twice more, skip 1 st, 6 tr in next st, skip 2 sts, 1 sc in next st, 1 picot, 1 tr in each of 6 sts on next group.

7TH ROW: Ch 4, turn, skip first tr, 1 tr in each of 2 tr, 1 dc in next st, 1 hdc in next st, 1 sc in next st. 8th ROW: Ch 1, turn, skip first 3 sts, 6 tr in next st, skip 1 st, 1 sc in next st;

cut thread.


Join thread with 1 sc in top st of turning ch on last row of body;

continue to work as for Left Wing.


1ST ROW: Working over end of rows of body between wings, skip last 4 rows of body, join thread with sl st in turning ch on next row (this will be in front of end group of wing), ch 4, 5 tr in same turning ch loop as sl st, 6 tr over end of each of the next 5 rows.

2ND ROW: Ch 4, turn, skip first tr on last row, 1 tr in each of rem sts on last row; cut thread

CREST: Ch 17, tr tr (thread 4 times around hook for tr tr ) in 7th st from hook, *ch4 l sc in 4th st from hook (this forms 1 picot), work ( 1 tr tr, picot and 1 tr tr ) in next st; rep from * across ch. Sew foundation ch of crest to top of head.


1: ROW: Ch 102, 2 tr in 4th st from hook, ch 2, 3 more tr in same st as last tr(this forms 1 shell), * ch 2, skip 6 sts, 1 shell of (3 tr, ch 2 and 3 tr) in next st; rep from * across ch (there are 15 shells in row).

2ND ROW: Ch 1, turn, work 1 shell in first shell as follows: sl st in each of first 3 tr, sl st in next ch 2 loop, ch 4, (2 tr, ch 2 and 3 tr) all in same ch loop as last sl st, ch 3, skip next ch loop, always working shells in ch loop of shells below work shell of (3 tr, ch 2 and 3 tr) in next shell; rep from * across.

3RD ROW: Same as last row.

4TH ROW: Same as last row but having 1 more st in each ch loop between shells. (ch 4 instead of 3). Always having 1 more st in each ch loop between shells than previous row, rep last row 5 more times.

10TH ROW: Ch 1, turn, 1 shell in first shell, ch 2, 3 more tr in same shell as last tr, *ch 8, skip ch loop, 1 shell in next shell, ch 2, 3 more tr in same shell; rep from *across.

11TH ROW: Ch 1, turn, 1 shell in first ch 2 loop, 1 shell in next ch 2 loop, * ch 7, skip ch 8 loop, 1 shell in each of 2 ch 2 loops; rep from * across. 12TH ROW: Ch 1, turn, 1 shell in first shell, * ch 3, 1 shell in next shell, ch 7, skip ch loop, 1 shell innext shell; rep from * across, end with ch 3, 1 shell in end shell. 13TH ROW: Ch 1, turn, 1 shell in first shell, * ch 5, 1 shell in next shell, 1 sc in next ch loop, 1 shell in next shell; rep from * across, end with ch 5, 1 shell in end shell.

14TH ROW: Ch 4, turn, (1 tr, ch 2 and 2 tr) in first tr, 1 sc in ch loop of first shell *ch 3, 6 tr in center st of ch 5 loop, ch 3, 1 sc in next shell,

(2 tr. ch 2 and 2 tr ) in next sc, 1 sc in next shell; rep from *twice more working 7 tr (instead of 6) in center st of (ch 5) loop, rep from * twice more; working 9 tr (instead of 6) in center st of ch loop, rep 5 more times; work 2 repeats with 7 tr in center st of ch loop; working 6 tr in center st of ch 5 loop, rep from * across row ending with skip 2 tr, (2 tr,ch 2 and 2 tr) in top st of end ch.

15TH ROW: Ch 1, turn, 1 shell in first shell, *skip ch loop, work (ch 4 and 1 tr) in each tr of next tr group, ch 4, 1 shell in next shell; rep from * across.

16TH ROW: Ch 1, turn, 1 shell in first shell, * ch 6, skip ch loop, 1 sc in next ch loop, (ch 4 and 1 sc) in all but last ch loop before next shell, ch 6, skip next ch loop, 1 shell in shell; rep from * across.

Rep last row twice more.

19TH ROW: Ch 1, turn, 1 shell in first shell, * ch 6, skip ch 6 loop, 1 sc in next ch loop, (ch 4 and 1 sc) in next ch loop or in each (ch 4) loop of pineapple, ch 6, skip next (ch 6) loop, work (3 tr, ch 2, 3 tr, ch 2 and 3 tr) all in next shell; rep from * across but end with ch 6, 1 shell in end shell.


1ST SHORT ROW: Ch 1, turn, 1 shell in first shell, ch 6, skip

ch loop, 1 sc in next ch loop, ch 6, skip ch 6 loop, 1 shell in next ch 2 loop;

do not work over rem sts.

2ND SHORT ROW: Ch 1, turn, 1 shell in first shell, skip 2 ch loops, 3 tr in next shell,mch 1, turn, sl st in next shell, ch 1, turn, 3 tr in same shell as last tr; cut thread.

SECOND AND THIRD SCALLOPS: Turn, join thread with sl st in next ch 2 loop on last long row; work as for First Scallop.


1ST SHORT ROW: Turn, join thread with sl st in next ch 2 loop on last long row, ch 4 , complete first shell, ch 6, skip next ch loop, 1 sc in next ch loop, ch 4, 1 sc in next ch loop, ch 6, skip next ch loop, 1 shell in next ch 2 loop.

Rep 1st and 2nd short rows of First Scallop.

FIFTH SCALLOP: Do not turn, work as for Fourth Scallop.

SLXTH SCALLOP - 1ST SHORT ROW: Join thread with sl st innext ch 2 loop on last long row, ch Incomplete first shell, ch 6, skip next ch loop, 1 sc in next ch loop, (ch 4 and 1 sc) in each ch 4 loop, ch 6, skip ch 6 loop,

1 shell in next ch 2 loop.

2ND SHORT ROW: Ch 1, turn, 1 shell in first shell next ch loop,

(ch 4 and sc) in each ch 4 loop, in next shell.

Rep last row once.

Rep 1st and 2nd short rows of First Scallop.

Rep last scallop 4 more times.

Work 2 more scallops same as for Fifth Scallop.

Work 3 more scallops same as for Second Scallop.

TO JOIN: Arrange tail in back of peacock as shown on Illustration. With a darning needle and the crochet cotton, sew sections securely together.

My website is Crochet Living. Please visit!

Additional information about this pattern: In my personal library, I have the original pattern sheet. The original name of this pattern is Crocheted Place Mats # 7387 There is no copyright date. The pattern sheet measures 27 1/2 inches by 16 inches. I have taken the original illustration and manipulated it. I re-colorized it and shapened it. The pattern text was re-formatted and cleaned up. I re-wrote the directions to include modern terminology and material. The pattern above is my re-worked pattern.My HTML arrangement of these patterns and my added instructions and re-worked photos and illustrations are 2008 by Maria Merlino

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